Τρίτη 15 Μαΐου 2012

This 4-kilobyte demo squeezes a universe of fractals into the size of a Word document


It's 2012 and it's safe to say that a lot of us are done being impressed by big-budget Hollywood CG. But jaw-dropping technical wizardry is still alive and well in the demoscene, where rather than vying for a spot on the next Pixar film, highly skilled coders are creating real-time audiovisual demonstrations that compile snugly into 4-kilobyte executables.

"Hartverdrahtet" (above) is the worthy winner of Assembly 2012's 4k demo competition, rendering a procedurally-generated universe of fractal landscapes using a file the size of your average Word document. Demosceners often build custom software to make their productions as economical as possible. The author, Demoscene Passivist, says the demo took around two months to complete and...

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