Τρίτη 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

​iPhone 6 Plus: Everything You Need to Know About Apple's Jumbo Phone

​iPhone 6 Plus: Everything You Need to Know About Apple's Jumbo Phone

The 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus is Apple's biggest phone to date, and the second new, bigger phone the company is introducing today. Here's what you need to know about Apple's massive smartphone future.

Apple's original iPhone was a groundbreaking product that virtually didn't have competitors, but today, it's hardly alone in a sea of quality handsets. While other manufacturers have experimented with larger phones—or even tablet-sized phones—Apple's remained small, almost stubbornly so. The iPhone 5/5s featured only a 4-inch screen, which today is small considering even the smallest flagships hit 4.7 inches and most are up over 5. The new 5.5-inch phone is an admission that some people might benefit from a little more real estate.

​iPhone 6 Plus: Everything You Need to Know About Apple's Jumbo Phone

Indeed, what we've got is a hot Apple phone, the most innovative in years, that breaks many of the company's most entrenched conventions.


While the iPhone 6L is noticeably larger than its predecessors, the design is a subtle evolution of the sleek, minimalist look Apple's been tweaking for years. Whereas the iPhone 5/5S opted for a a flat sides, the iPhone 6L has a more rounded design, with the pill-shaped volume buttons introduced on the iPad Air last year.

The phone has a 1920 x 1080 display, which as Phil Schiller points out has 138 percent more pixels than the iPhone 5S. With the new large phone Apple is taking advantage of the the real-estate in apps with new split-screen modes in both apps and on the home screen. The home screen view in particular is very striking because we're so used to that stubbornly vertical view of all of the generations that preceded it.

​iPhone 6 Plus: Everything You Need to Know About Apple's Jumbo Phone


via Gizmodo http://gizmodo.com